QRIS Block Grant Information

California State Preschool Program QRIS Block Grant

The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools has been awarded a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Block Grant, CMIG QRIS Block Grant, QCC QRIS Block Grant, and the IMPACT Grant!

All of these grants are aimed at raising the quality of California's early care and education programs, including center-based care and family child care homes in Fresno County by providing additional quality improvement supports and incentives for ECE sites. In Fresno County, block grants and incentives will be awarded to sites that receive a star rating of 4 or higher. These are non-competitive grants for programs that reach the 4 and 5-Star levels.

Programs who are not yet at 4 Stars will receive Early Stars’ quality improvement supports to raise their quality and rating cycle.

If you are a CSPP contractor and interested in participating in this exciting opportunity, please reach out to Isela Turner at iturner@fcoe.org or call (559) 443-4848.